Monday, October 25, 2010


Didn't want to have to do this, but gotta start with an APOLOGY for last week's post.  Some of you are thinking, "Did he swear?", "Did he gossip about someone?".  No, just didn't choose my words wisely and my friends from South Dakota held me accountable for it.  I called SDSU a "bad team".  I should have said SDSU was a team Nebraska should dominate but didn't.  In reality, that makes Nebraska the "bad team" since they didn't live up to their potential.

Pheww!!  Now we can have a Merry Christmas together in Huron.

To the week that was:

TUESDAY:  It's Pastor Meeting day.  We continue to discuss the promotion of Advent Conspiracy for the Christmas season.  I am excited about what this theme can mean to our church and my family.

WEDNESDAY:  Favorite day of the week.  Youth group went well.  We are studying the life of Moses.  Looked at how God prepared Moses for the task He had for him.  Moses responded with all the fears and excuses for why he couldn't do it.  If God spoke to you out of a burning bush, you'd think you'd obey.

THURSDAY:  Kids had Thursday/Friday off for Parent/Teacher conferences.  In the evening, Sally prepared a theme night for our family.  Our kids each got to invite a friend over.  She fixed Sweet & Sour Chicken, Almond Chicken and Egg Rolls.  Delicious!  Then watched the new "Karate Kid".  Good movie.  Though it can't top the original "Wax on.  Wax off".

FRIDAY:  Biggest highlight for the week was getting the flu shot.  Never gotten a flu shot before.  I shopped around.  Seems like everyone is providing it this year:  Walmart, Walgreens, Dillons, and even my local doctor's office.  My doctor would charge $25 plus office visit.  Everywhere else it was $24 or $25.  Did you know at Walgreens you can purchase a flu vaccine gift card?  I bet those will be popular stocking stuffers for the kids this Christmas.  Nothing says "I love you" like a shot.  I settled on Dillons since Sal had to get some groceries.  Filled out some paperwork, paid my money and had to wait.  Even at a grocery store they have a waiting room!!  Must make the person giving the shot feel important.  Anyway, a pharmist administered the shot.  I'm assuming they have the training to do that, but didn't ask.  Only in America can you walk out of your local grocery store with a flu shot and a can of Chicken of the Sea.

SATURDAY:  Painted on the garage (finally), mowed, watched the Huskers, took tickets at the girls' Sub-State volleyball (good season gals!), and had a dinner party with friends.  What happens at the Toziers, stays at the Toziers.

SUNDAY:  Was awesome!  Second favorite day of the week.  Led baptism class, welcome/announcements and sharing.  During sharing time we had a gal talk who recently had a valve replaced in her heart.  She did great!  Watched the Chiefs with friends, took a two hour nap and talked to my man Xavier.  God is doing an amazing work in his life.  I am so proud of the man of God he is growing up to be.

If you like pro football, you gotta check out Deon Sanders every Monday on the NFL Network Online:  Let's Go Primetime!

1 comment:

  1. Much Love From The 605. I have taken the coal out of your stocking!
